About Me

Hi, my name is Tyler Maddox. I’ve helped clients make smart insurance decisions for 15+ years.

Disability Insurance is vital for a sound financial plan.

After seeing a close friend battle brain cancer for 10 years… and unable to work because of it; I made Disability Insurance a major focus in my practice. You see, that friend put off getting a policy, and I did not push him to get it. Then one day, he had a seizure. His entire life changed…. and as a 1 income household, they suddenly had $0 per month to live on.

This is a terrible situation to see, much less live through. So I make sure every client has the best coverage possible.

As an independent agent, I shop the market to find the best policy for my clients needs. I have access to all major disability carriers and I show every client a comparison of the top 2 options.

My easy 4 step online process gets you covered in a friendly and professional manner.

Feel free to schedule a zoom meeting with me here: https://calendly.com/tylermaddox/30min

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